Victoria's Tattoo & Body Piercing Examiner

I'm very excited!  I'm so proud to announce that as of today, I am writing as Victoria's Tattoo & Body Piercing Examiner.  My first article should be posted soon, a short one defining some terms about the tattoo industry.  I'll have it posted this afternoon if the weather cooperates!  Most of my articles will now be focused in and around Victoria, but I will always welcome anything Inked in the South!

In the meantime, please visit my site, and subscribe to see new articles (including the soon-to-be-started Tattoo/Piercing of the week, as well as information on how to become a tattoo artist in Victoria)!  As always, please subscribe, leave me a comment, and let me know what you'd like to see more of!  I'll be hanging around the tattoo studios soon, so if you see me there, be sure to tell me you saw me here on my blog or on the Examiner!